What is this carnival - happening around France, the exponats are rolling around, switching the carnivals, some are staying in the city for longer. Authors are very passionate about what they do, as it is a lot of time consumption, and might get boring before you get your bright inspiring result.
The creation. big hangar...old projects, new ones... multiple people... different methods... one idea - creat a new carnaval this spring.
Each artist uses some specific method and material. Paper, styrofoam, plastic.
This great couple is creating their "roman impire" from ecological materials, with papier-mâche method.

What is Carnaval?
- seeing happy people, taking pictures, filming
- a great adventure, we are watching, dancing, hanging out with some friends
- for musicians - its a recognition, maybe, and then hate to the confeti, that they get in the face all the carnaval
- for artists - good reason to create something impressive
- for kids - be a devil and drop confeti in people's faces
- for public - make a confeti fight with random people.
For more pictures:
And some from last year's:
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